Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm Back!

Finally... after 6 months without internet connection... I'm back online! haha. So many pictures to upload and I have forgotten the stories I wanted to share >.<. I'll try to start uploading some pictures when I have a chance. haha. It feels good to be back online. I've got some catching up to do with my friends back home ^_^. 


Anonymous said...

oit lim...gimane kabar? ud nyangkut di mane loe skr?

limelda said...

yo rud! bae2 wa. thx.haha. masi di perth gw. ga brasa 2semester uda mo abis. lg akhir semester ni. masa2 deadline en tests. hahaha. lu gimana rud? ada kabar apa ni? :p